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Security is no longer optional. As physical attacks and data breaches continue to occur across the financial industry, the pressure on financial institutions to secure their most sensitive data is increasing quickly. Financial institutions are spending more than ever to remain in compliance with government and industry mandates and regulations. Furthermore, physical and logical attacks have the potential to cost institutions millions of dollars in addition to what they’re currently spending on security measures.

Transaction Processing

Throughout Central America and Ecuador, financial institutions are relying upon TECNASA’s flexible, adaptable and intelligent transaction solutions to manage their transaction processing. From switches to mobile payment solutions, TECNASA’s transaction-processing platform is designed to allow

Self-Service Channel Management

The banking environment of today is very different than it was just 10 years ago. It is more complicated, involves more channels and has different characteristics than ever before. By leveraging the right combination of cash management, security management, video and transaction management, password management, hardware and software maintenance as well as IT monitoring, support tasks and remote management of end users through our state-of-the-art Visiontec platform, TECNASA is able to take a holistic approach to managing your multi-channel banking environment.

Banking and ATM Software

Banking and ATM Software offers your self-service machines direction, and tells them what to do— it is the brain behind your self-service devices. This software can provide valuable information about how customers are making transactions and using your ATMs and can help you plan for uninterrupted service. Our state-of-the-art banking and ATM software solutions, including event management, cash management, marketing solutions and software assurance,

Deployment, Integration and Migration

At TECNASA we help you migrate and execute workloads on platforms powered by Amazon ™ Web Services and Microsoft ™ Azure, among others, while maintaining security, compliance, scalability, availability and profitability.


IT operations are one of the most crucial aspects of most organizational operations around the world. Organizations rely on their information systems to operate efficiently and effectively and an organization’s operations may be impaired or stopped completely if a system becomes unavailable. As a result, in order to minimize disruption, it is necessary to provide a reliable infrastructure for IT operations.

Payment Solutions

Evolving regulations and the increasing need for uncompromising security methods are changing the payment industry right before our eyes. In order to protect against fraud and data security breaches, it’s important to implement and maintain any regulatory compliance requirements and adhere to the highest security standards. Our payment solutions are uniquely aimed at embracing new payment types and addressing future regulatory compliance requirements,

Design & Consulting

Data centers vary in sizes — they can occupy one room of a building, multiple floors or even an entire building. Typically, the majority of the equipment are servers mounted and contained on racks, which are usually placed in single rows forming aisles between them, allowing people to access the front and rear of each rack. With 15 years’ experience in data center design and consulting,